Thomas Cammack

Lead Veterinary Surgeon

Thomas Cammack - OOH Lead Vet
Thomas Cammack BVM BVS MRCVS OOH Lead Vet

Thomas graduated in 2016 from the University of Nottingham; he then went on to spend his first two years in general practice in the West Midlands. From there, Thomas moved to the RSPCA Birmingham Animal Hospital where he spent his time between hospital work, the animal centre and investigating animal welfare offences. In 2020, he started a small animal rotating internship which was 60% OOH/ECC and 40% rotating between the different disciplines. Following his internship, he stayed working full-time OOH. During 2022, Thomas then moved to Cardiff and spent two years working nights at a busy emergency hospital, before returning to work within the West Midlands.

Thomas’s key interests are in investigations and procedures. He has a keen interest in diagnostic imaging, endoscopy and surgery and has been shadowing specialists when time allows.

Thomas has two young boys, Reggie and Sully. Reggie was born whilst he was half way through his internship and Sully a year later.

In addition, Thomas has a cat called Stilton who he rescued from his last role who suffers with asthma.